and so i'm rushing this night, literally running down the streets between dates meeting people old friends hearing the coins jangle in pockets it never rains it pours and there i am chasing trying to find every last drop of magic a home - and that’s what i remember, pounding down the street in these heavy black steel toe-capped boots from one scene to another, not missing a second in the wasting of time.
later we caught a gig, an old friend in the conflict diamonds had two consecutive shows lined up tonight, and we chased to both, good wild red blue electric guitar heavy drums rock n roll in a bar that served cocktails and foreign beers in bottles; then later to the second gig in a place where i was barred - disallowed to enter - and so it was disguise time and wrapping a shawl about my head burkha style wearing some green day-glo rimmed sunglasses we entered and meandered about the arts club while the conflict diamonds played their set all the while i only answered to "ahmed"; and i get to thinking that the cabaret of the festival has already begun, a few days early this year, but its certainly begun now, no turning your back on this here show., and into this giant territory i step, right there at every-single moment, right there for every-single-one, entering the keep, entering with every bridge burned, every match struck yes this was the freedom of a past wholly consumed - wholly vanquished in the realisation of the eternal present - and of course we judge when we have no right and of course we don't always share as much as we might but somewhere someplace beneath the stars of all our loves sings something so beautiful and magic that it must belong to all of us...